Introduction to Microservices Architecture (MCR106)
Course Length: 2 days
Delivery Methods:
Available as private class only
Course Overview
This Introduction to Microservices Architecture training course will help the attendees understand the value proposition and technical aspects of microservices. You will learn about the pros and cons of breaking up the monolithic type of applications prevalent in the enterprise space and converting them into microservices-based solutions. Details analysis of some of the common patterns and motivation for using them in microservices architecture is also provided.
Course Benefits
- Understand and work with monoliths.
- Learn to design, develop, and integrate microservices.
- Learn common design patterns.
Course Outline
- Breaking Up Monoliths – Pros and Cons
- Traditional Monolithic Applications and Their Place
- Disadvantages of Monoliths
- Developer's Woes
- Architecture Modernization
- Architecture Modernization Challenges
- Microservices Architecture is Not a Silver Bullet!
- What May Help?
- In-Class Discussion
- Summary
- Microservices
- What is a "Microservice"?
- Unix Analogy
- Principles of Microservices
- Services within an SOA vs Microservices
- Properties and Attributes of Microservices
- Benefits of Using Microservices
- The Two-Pizza Teams
- Beware of Microservices Cons
- Anti-Pattern: Nanoservices
- The Twelve-Factor App Methodology
- The Select Factors
- Serverless Computing
- Microservices – Operational Aspects
- Summary
- Microservices Architecture Defined
- The Microservices Architecture
- SOA Promises and Expectations
- Microservices Architecture vs SOA
- The ESB Connection
- Microservices Architecture Benefits
- Microservices Architecture Choices and Attributes
- Example: On-Line Banking Solution Based on MsA
- Distributed Computing Challenges
- Replaceable Component Architecture
- The Actor Model
- MapReduce Distributed Computing Framework
- Hadoop's MapReduce Word Count Job Example
- What Can Make a Microservices Architecture Brittle?
- 4+1 Architectural View Model
- Summary
- Containerization Systems for Microservices
- Infrastructure as Code
- Why Not Just Deploy My Code Manually?
- What is Docker
- Docker Containers vs Traditional Virtualization
- Docker is a Platform-as-a-Service
- Docker Integration
- Docker Services
- Docker Application Container Public Repository
- Container Registries
- Your Own Docker Image Registry
- Starting, Inspecting, and Stopping Docker Containers
- One Process per Container
- The Dockerfile
- Kubernetes
- What is OpenShift
- Summary
- Commonly Used Patterns
- Why Use Patterns?
- Performance-Related Patterns
- More Performance-Related Patterns
- Pagination vs. Infinite Scrolling - UX Lazy Loading
- Integration Patterns
- More Integration Patterns
- The Service Mesh Integration Pattern
- Mesh Pros and Cons
- Service-to-Service Communication with Mesh
- Resilience-Related Patterns
- Summary
- API Management
- API Management Defined
- The Traditional Point-to-point Integration Example
- It Raises Some Questions …
- The Facade Design Pattern
- API Management Conceptual Diagram
- Complimentary Services for Microservices
- What Else is Needed?
- The Driving Forces
- API Management Offerings
- The Mashery API Management System Overview
- AWS API Gateway Call Flow
- Summary
- Designing and Implementing Microservices
- Two Types of IT Projects
- What is In Scope for a Robust Microservices Design?
- Scoping Your Microservice via the Bounded Context
- Scoping Your Solution's Microservices Architecture
- External / Shared and Internal Service Models
- General Architectural and Software Process Organizational Principles
- Loose Coupling, the OOD Perspective
- Crossing Process Boundary is Expensive!
- Cross Cutting Concerns
- More Cross Cutting Concerns
- To Centralize or Decentralize Client Access?
- Decentralized Client Access
- Centralized Client Access
- The Facade Pattern
- The Facade Service Conceptual Diagram
- The Naked Objects Architectural Pattern
- When to Use Naked Objects Pattern
- Dealing with the State
- How Can I Maintain State?
- Micro Front-ends (a.k.a. MicroUI)
- How can MicroUI Help Me?
- Your Clients Are Diverse
- The "Rich Client" - "Thin Server" Paradigm
- The "Rich Client" - "Thin Server" Architecture
- RIA as a Driving Force to Turn the "Thin Server" into a Set of Microservices
- Design for Failure
- Managing Failures Effectively
- The Immutable Infrastructure Principle
- Implementing Microservices
- Microservice-Oriented Application Frameworks and Platforms
- Embedding Databases
- Embedded Java Databases
- Summary
- Microservices Integration
- One Common Observation
- The “One Service - One Host” Deployment
- Things to Consider when Integrating
- Technology Options
- The Data Exchange Interoperability Options
- The Correlation ID
- Enterprise Integration Patterns
- Asynchronous Communication
- Benefits of Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM)
- Asynchronous Communication Models
- Message Brokers
- A Message Broker Diagram
- Asynchronous Message Consumption Patterns
- Popular Messaging Systems
- Challenges of Managing Microservices
- Options for Managing Microservices
- In-Class Discussion
- Summary
- Working with Data in Microservices
- Monolithic Databases
- The Traditional Two-phase Commit (2PC) Protocol
- Table Sharding and Partitioning
- The CAP Theorem
- Mechanisms to Guarantee a Single CAP Property
- The CAP Triangle
- Eventual Consistency
- Handling Transactions in Microservices Architecture
- The Event-Driven Data Sharing Diagram
- The Saga Pattern
- The Saga Log and Execution Coordinator
- The Saga Happy Path
- A Saga Compensatory Request Example
- In-Class Discussion
- The Need for Micro Databases
- Migrating Data from Existing Databases (Breaking up the Monolith Database)
- One Data Migration Approach
- One Data Migration Approach (Cont'd)
- In-Class Discussion
- Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)
- The CQRS Communications Diagram
- A Word of Caution
- The Event Sourcing Pattern
- Event Sourcing Example
- Applying Efficiencies to Event Sourcing
- Summary
- Robust Microservices
- What Can Make a Microservices Architecture Brittle?
- Making it Resilient – Mechanisms
- Techniques and Patterns for Making Your Microservices Robust
- Fail Fast or Quiesce?
- Synchronous Communication Timeouts / Retries
- Asynchronous Communication Timeouts / Retries
- In-Class Discussion
- The Circuit Breaker Pattern
- The Circuit Breaker Pattern Diagram
- The Bulkhead Pattern
- Factor IX of the 12 App Methodology
- Feature Enablement
- Designing for Test and Failure
- Making Microservices Testable
- Test for Failure
- Continuous Testing and Integration
- Continuous Release and Deployment
- SLAs
- Where and What to Monitor
- Logging and Monitoring
- Summary
Class Materials
Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.
Class Prerequisites
Experience in the following is required for this Microservices class:
- Foundational knowledge of programming and software design principles.
Live Private Class
- Private Class for your Team
- Live training
- Online or On-location
- Customizable
- Expert Instructors