How to Install and Use Visual Studio Code for Class

Visual Studio Code is an excellent IDE to use when learning to develop web sites. It provides a nice balance of power and simplicity and it is available on Windows and Mac.

Follow these instructions to set up Visual Studio Code for your course.

  1. Download Visual Studio Code for your operating system.
  2. Install Visual Studio Code.
    1. Instructions for Windows. Use the installer for Windows.
    2. Instructions for Mac.
  3. Open Visual Studio Code.
  4. On the Welcome Screen, under Start, click the Open Folder... link. Visual Studio Code - Welcome Screen
  5. Navigate to the folder in which you installed your Webucator class files and open the folder (note that the folder name might be different than shown below): Open Folder
  6. You will see the class files (names might be different than shown below) listed in Visual Studio Code's Explorer: Explorer
  7. To open a file for editing, navigate to the file and double click it. It will open in a tab and appear under OPEN EDITORS. The tab will remain open until you explicitly close it. Open Editors
  8. To quickly view a file, just single click it. It will open in a tab and appear under OPEN EDITORS in italics and will only stay there until you view or open another file. However, if you make a change to the file, it will remain open until you explicitly close it.

There is a lot more to Visual Studio Code, but this is all you need to know to get started. Have fun!

Written by Nat Dunn. Follow Nat on Twitter.

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