C Programming (CPP102)
Course Length: 5 days
Delivery Methods:
Available as private class only
Course Overview
In this C Programming training class, which is designed for programmers new to the ANSI C language, students will develop the ability to design and write programs in the C programming language.
Course Benefits
- Learn about what C is.
- Work with data types and variables.
- Work with pointers and arrays.
- Learn about structures.
- Learn what they are and how to work with operators and expressions.
- Work with control flow statement.
- Work with functions.
Course Outline
- Introduction to C
- What Is C?
- Features of C
- Why Program in C?
- History of C
- Current Status and Future
- An Overview of C
- The First Program (hello.c)
- How to Compile and Run a C Program
- An Arithmetic Program (roof.c)
- Execution Flow Control (mph.c)
- The for Loop
- The for Loop
- Diagram
- Character I/O
- A File Copier Program (cp2.c)
- A Character Counter (wc2.c)
- A Look at Arrays
- Stock Values (stock1.c)
- The char Data Type
- Strings (Character Arrays)
- A String Copy Program (stringcp.c)
- A Look at Functions
- A Functional Program (func1.c)
- A Review of printf()
- Data Types and Variables
- Fundamental Data Types
- Data Type Values and Sizes
- Variable Declarations
- Variable Names
- Constants
- Character Constants
- String Constants
- Operators and Expressions
- What Are Expressions?
- Arithmetic Operators
- Relational Operators
- Assignment Operator
- Expressions Have Resulting Values
- True and False
- Logical Operators
- Increment and Decrement Operators (++ and --)
- Increment and Decrement Operators: Examples
- 'Operate-
- Assign' Operators (+=, *=, ...)
- Conditional Expression
- Operator Precedence
- Precedence and Order of Evaluation
- Evaluation of Logical Operators
- Type Conversions
- The Cast Operator
- Bitwise Logical Operators
- Control Flow
- Statements
- if - else
- if() - else if()
- else if()
- switch()
- while()
- do-while()
- for()
- The for Loop-Diagram
- Example: for() Loop
- Another Example: for() Loop
- The break Statement
- The continue Statement
- Functions
- What Is a Function?
- Example: findbig3()
- Why Use Functions?
- Anatomy of a Function
- Example: find_big_int()
- Arguments Passed by Value
- Addresses of Arguments Can Be Passed
- A Picture of Addresses and Values
- When to Use the Return Statement
- Returning Non-Integer Values
- Functions in Multiple Source Files
- A Simple make File
- The Concept of Variable Scope
- Automatic Variables
- Global (External) Variables
- Static Variables
- External Static Variables
- The C Preprocessor
- Symbolic Constants
- Macro Substitution
- File Inclusion
- Pointers and Arrays
- What Is a Pointer?
- Pointer Operators
- Example: Pointers
- Why Use Pointers?
- Arrays
- Arrays (a Picture)
- The & Operator
- Pointers and Arrays
- Pointer Arithmetic
- Pointer Arithmetic (a Picture)
- Arrays and Pointers
- Array Names are Constant Pointers
- Passing A
- Arrays to Functions
- Initializing Arrays
- Advanced Pointers
- Pointer Initialization
- Command-line Arguments
- Strings and Character Pointers
- Arrays of Pointers
- Command-Line Arguments
- Access Through Pointers
- Functions and Pointers
- Example: Functions and Pointers
- Structures
- Structures
- Comparison of Structures and Arrays
- Structure Definitions
- Structure Declarations
- Structure Parameter Passing by Reference
- Pointers to Structures
- Structure Parameter Passing Again
- Arrays of Structures
- The malloc Routine
Class Materials
Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.
Class Prerequisites
Experience in the following is required for this C/C++ class:
- Programming experience with the desire and need to learn the C language.
Experience in the following would be useful for this C/C++ class:
- The ability to program in a high-level language such as a Pascal or COBOL is very helpful.
- Basic UNIX user-level skills are also important.
Live Private Class
- Private Class for your Team
- Live training
- Online or On-location
- Customizable
- Expert Instructors