How to Install Node.js on a Mac

Node.js is required for using many JavaScript tools and for creating server-side JavaScript applications. Here is how you install Node.js on a Mac.

The first thing you should do is check to see if you have a version of Node.js already installed. To do that:

  1. Open the Terminal by pressing Command+Space to open Spotlight Search and entering Terminal then pressing Enter.
  2. Enter node - v in the Terminal and press Enter.
    Nats-MacBook-Pro:Webucator natdunn$ node -v
  3. If you do have Node.js installed, it will output the version.
    1. Update to the latest version using npm i -g npm. If you get a bunch of checkPermissions warnings, you should run the command as the superuser like this:
      sudo npm i -g npm
    2. You now have the latest version installed. You do not need to continue with these instructions.
  4. If you do not have Node.js installed, it will output something like -command not found. Continue with these instructions to install it.
  5. Go to You’ll see download links for MacOS. Node.js MacOS Download Links If you are using Node.js for a Webucator class, you should select the LTS version. The Current version has the latest features, but may be more prone to changes and bugs than the LTS (Long Term Support) version.
  6. When the file finishes downloading, locate it in Finder and double-click on it.
  7. Go through the entire installation process. Installation Process
  8. When installation is complete, open the Terminal by pressing Command+Space to open Spotlight Search and entering Terminal then pressing Enter.
  9. Enter node - v in the Terminal to verify that Node.js is installed correctly and to see the version of Node.js that was installed:
    Nats-MacBook-Pro:Webucator natdunn % node -v
    Installing Node.j will also install npm. To see this, run npm -v:
    Nats-MacBook-Pro:Webucator natdunn % npm -v

If versions for node and npm were both output, then you’re all set.

Written by Nat Dunn. Follow Nat on Twitter.

Related Articles

  1. Node.js and Node Package Manager (npm)
  2. How to Install Node.js on a Mac (this article)
  3. How to Install Node.js on Windows