The errata list below shows errors that were found in our published Actionable books. If you believe you have found a mistake not listed below, please email details to Be sure to include the title of the book, the page or location of the error, the version of the book (found in the beginning of the book), and a full description of the error. Thank you.

Actionable Django

DescriptionFound inFixed in
Lesson 14: Making Queries, Ajax, and View Functions: Exercise Code 66.1: templates/jokes/joke_detail.html

Line 35 of templates/jokes/joke_detail.html reads:

vote{{ joke.num_votes|pluralize }}{% if num_votes %}:

But num_votes is a property of joke, not a standalone variable. So, it should read:

vote{{ joke.num_votes|pluralize }}{% if joke.num_votes %}:
Lesson 13: Media Files: E58.3. Creating an S3 Bucket

Amazon has updated their interface for creating S3 buckets. The process is largely the same, but they have changed the design and added a couple of screens that you need to click through. Here are the new instructions:

  1. In the AWS header navigation, click Services. Then, enter “S3”, and select S3 – Scalable Storage in the Cloud
  2. Click the Create bucket button.
  3. Give the bucket a name and select a region.
  4. On the Configure options screen, just click the Next button.
  5. On the Set permissions screen, uncheck Block all public access, check the “I acknowledge…” checkbox, and click the Next button.
  6. Review the options you have selected and click Create bucket.
DJG- Not Yet Fixed

Actionable Python

DescriptionFound inFixed in
Lesson 9: Exception Handling: Exercise 25: Raising Exceptions

The comment on line 29 of both the exercise and solution files should read:

# ModuleNotFoundError
PYT- Not Yet Fixed
Lesson 10: Python Dates and Times: Demo 10.2: date-time/Demos/

In, line 27 reads:

numbers = [str(random.randint(1, 100)) for i in range(1, iterations)]

It should read:

numbers = [str(random.randint(1, 100)) for i in range(iterations)]
PYT- Not Yet Fixed