Project-based Learning with Dreamweaver (DRW_ATC101)
Course Length: 3 days
Delivery Methods:
Available as private class only
Course Overview
If you have a group of five or more people who need to get up to speed on Dreamweaver quickly, this project-based Dreamweaver course is what you are looking for. After introducing your team to the Dreamweaver interface, one of our expert instructors will guide you through multiple real-world Dreamweaver projects.
The course can be customized to help you get started on an Dreamweaver project of your own.
Course Benefits
- Become familiar with a wide array of Dreamweaver features.
- Gain experience completing real-world projects with Dreamweaver.
- Leave class with a portfolio of projects that you build yourself.
Course Outline
- Getting to Know the Interface
- Launch the Dreamweaver Application
- Explore the Dreamweaver Workspace
- Understanding the Common Toolbar
- Create a Saved Workspace
- Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts
- Explore the Dreamweaver Document Window
- Understanding New Feature Guides
- Preview Files in Dreamweaver Live View
- Preview a File in a Browser
- Remove a Site from Dreamweaver
- Project 1: Bistro Site Organization
- Stage 1: Exploring Site Structure
- Create a New Site Definition
- Examine the Site Files
- Plan Folder Organization
- Sort and Move Site Files
- Stage 2: Organizing the Site Navigation
- Changing the Update Preferences
- Create Hyperlinks Within the Site
- The HTML Insert Panel In Depth
- Copy and Paste Links
- Adjust Relative Link Paths
- Create an Email Link
- Stage 3: Naming and Titling Documents
- Rename Pages for Search Engine Optimization
- Understanding Web File Naming Conventions
- Create Document Titles for Individual Pages
- Understanding Find and Replace Options
- Hide Files from a Web Server
- Export and Remove the Site Definition
- Uploading Files to a Server
- Project Review
- Portfolio Builder Project
- Stage 1: Exploring Site Structure
- Project 2: HTML Book Chapter
- Stage 1: Preparing the Workspace
- Define the ATC Site
- Create a New HTML Document
- Understanding Element Names, Tags, and Attributes
- Stage 2: Working with Semantic Markup
- Paste Text Content in Design View
- Format Headings in Design View
- Formatting Text with the Properties Panel
- Format a Blockquote and Inline Quote
- Mark up Abbreviations in Code View
- Format with Strong and Em Elements
- Understanding Code View Formatting
- Stage 3: Working with Special Characters
- Insert Special Characters
- Create a Table of Quote Characters
- More about Working with HTML Tables
- Use the Insert Other Character Dialog Box
- Insert Special Characters in Code
- Stage 4: Creating Lists
- Create an Ordered List of Web Resources
- Create an Unordered List of Navigation Links
- Stage 5: Attaching an External CSS File
- Add Tags and Element IDs
- Attach the CSS File
- Learning about HTML5 Tags
- Project Review
- Portfolio Builder Project
- Stage 1: Preparing the Workspace
- Project 3: Arts Council Website
- Stage 1: Placing Static Foreground Images
- Review the Existing Project Status
- Place an Image in the Regular Design View
- Place an Image with the Insert Panel
- Drag and Drop an Image from the Insert Panel
- Insert an Image with the Assets Panel
- Stage 2: Extracting Photoshop Assets
- Verify Your Adobe ID in Dreamweaver
- Load a Photoshop File into Your CC Account
- Extract Text and Images from a Photoshop File
- Format the Page Body
- Format Element Backgrounds with Extracted Styles
- Define Background Images
- Format Text with Extracted Styles
- Format Links with Descendant Selectors
- Defining Color in CSS
- Define Background Images for Navigation Link States
- Project Review
- Portfolio Builder Project
- Stage 1: Placing Static Foreground Images
- Project 4: Museum CSS Layout
- Stage 1: Creating Layouts with Style Sheets
- Prepare the Site Files
- Define a New Element and Tag Selector
- Drag and Drop to Create New Elements
- Define a Selector with an ID Attribute
- Understanding CSS Shorthand
- Create New Selectors Using the CSS Designer Panel
- Create and Manage Nested Elements
- Control Element Float Position
- Work with the CSS Box Model
- Define Properties for the
- Tag
- Stage 2: Working with a Template
- Create a Template
- Apply the Template to Existing Pages
- More About Working with Dreamweaver Templates
- Stage 3: Using CSS to Control Content
- Define HTML Tag Selectors
- Create Named Anchors
- Create a Pseudo-Class Selector
- Create a Figure and Figure Caption
- Create Descendant Selectors
- Project Review
- Portfolio Builder Project
- Stage 1: Creating Layouts with Style Sheets
- Project 5: Music Festival CSS Site
- Stage 1: Working with Classes
- Review Existing Site Files
- Create a Class Selector to Place Background Images
- Manually Edit CSS Code
- Make an Editable Attribute in a Template
- Control Float Properties
- CSS Mode of the Properties Panel
- Apply Multiple Classes to Elements
- Insert One HTML Page into Another
- Stage 2: Creating Online Forms
- Create a Form Element
- The Form Properties Panel In Depth
- Create Form Text Fields
- HTML Form Fields In Depth
- Create a Menu Field
- Create a Check Box
- Add Submit and Reset Buttons
- Apply CSS to the Form
- Project Review
- Portfolio Builder Project
- Stage 1: Working with Classes
- Project 6: jQuery Mobile Site
- Stage 1: Creating a Mobile-Friendly Design
- Create the Basic Page Structure
- Define Inline Navigation Links
- Control Image Size and Position
- Create a Site Template
- Stage 2: Adding jQuery UI Elements
- Insert a jQuery Tabbed Panel
- Add Tab Content
- Change Tab Content CSS
- Grouping CSS Selectors
- Using Inspect Mode in Live View
- Stage 3: Creating a JavaScript Photo Gallery
- Attach External CSS and Script Files
- Create the Lightbox Img Elements
- Define the Lightbox Link Objects
- Grouping CSS Selectors
- Using Inspect Mode in Live View
- Project Review
- Portfolio Builder Project
- Stage 1: Creating a Mobile-Friendly Design
- Project 7: Bootstrap Responsive Page
- Stage 1: Working with Bootstrap
- Create a New Bootstrap Page
- More About the Visual Media Queries Bar
- Examine Bootstrap Media Queries
- Define the Bootstrap Page Layout Grid
- Insert Responsive Images
- Copy Content into a Bootstrap Page
- Show and Hide Content in Different Layouts
- Use CSS to Format Page Content
- Understanding Relative Measurement Units
- Create New Media Queries
- Stage 2: Creating CSS3 Transitions
- Restrict Element Height and Overflow
- Use the CSS Transitions Panel
- Project Review
- Portfolio Builder Project
- Stage 1: Working with Bootstrap
- Project 8: CSS Grid Responsive Page
- Stage 1: Working with CSS Grids
- Review the Provided Source Files
- Define a CSS Grid Container
- Define the Size and Position of CSS Grid Items
- Stage 2: Working with CSS
- Create a Universal Selector
- Explore CSS Methods of Targeting Specific Elements
- Create Multiple Columns of Text
- Create a Fixed-Position Element
- Stage 3: Working with Web Fonts
- Activate Adobe Edge Web Fonts
- Working with External Web Fonts
- Apply Web Fonts to Page Elements
- Stage 4: Adding HTML5 Video
- Place a Video in an HTML5 Page
- Understanding Video Tag Attributes
- Stage 5: Making the Grid Responsive
- Define Named Grid Areas
- Project Review
- Portfolio Builder Project
- Stage 1: Working with CSS Grids
Class Materials
Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.
Live Private Class
- Private Class for your Team
- Live training
- Online or On-location
- Customizable
- Expert Instructors